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The Work Party

The Work Party continues to bless others at home and abroad. In addition to knitting blankets for babies at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, the ladies in our congregation collect goods for children in Ekwendeni, northern Malawi. Recently, the Work Party shipped 143 boxes of necessities and bicycles to the Mission Hospital and Uchuzi School there.

'We are very grateful to the Work Party ladies, you and the entire church, for the support you render to our charity work and to the school. The school management is very thankful for the three bicycles you have given to the school. These bicycles plus the ones sent in the past assists learners and teachers a lot. When a child is sick they use a bicycle to carry her or him home. Teachers, who come from far, use the bicycles to and from school so that they are at school on time.


Click here for more information about God Cares Rights Foundation in Ekwendeni.


Here are excerpts from a recent letter from God Cares Rights Foundation in Ekwendeni thanking Peterhead New Parish Church for their generosity:

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