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Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

There are a number of ways to give for the work of the church.

Gift Aid

If you are a taxpayer, this is for you. It allows the church to claim back 25% of what you give each year. For further information, speak to Jimmy Copland.

Weekly Offering Envelopes

These can be used for Gift Aid or for a weekly offering. If you do not wish to continue with these or if you have not had them for some time and would like to start again, please speak to Jimmy Copland.

Direct Debit

This is paid directly into the church account from your bank account. Further information from Teresa Gammack or Ruth Mackenzie. Church of Scotland congregations each need £48,000 per year to be fully self-supporting.

Open Plate

if you are not a taxpayer, you may want to consider giving weekly through the Open Plate. This way, the church can claim back 25% of what you give through the ‘Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme’. This is completely anonymous.

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